Saturday, December 19, 2020

Sunday reading : Sitanshu Yashachandra's 'Tree Once Agains'

 Sunday Reading:

🔹Sitanshu Yashachandra's 'Tree Once Agains'🔹

Helllo Beautiful People..

               On 10th November we had online session on Ecocritical thinking by Devang Nanavati sir on Sitanshu Yashachandra's poem 'Tree Once Again'.Our professor Dr.Dilip Barad sir gave us task as a sunday reading of this online session.So this blog is a response to the Barad sir on Ecocriticism.

❇️What is Ecocriticism?


  Ecocriticism is an intentionally broad approach that is known by a number of other designations, including "green (cultural) studies", "ecopoetics", and "environmental literary criticism", and is often informed by other fields such as ecology, sustainable design, biopolitics, environmental history, environmentalism, and social ecology, among others

     Thus, if we wish to understand our contemporary attitude toward the environment, its literary history is an excellent place to start. While authors such as Thoreau and Wordsworth may first come to mind in this context, literary responses to environmental concerns are as old as the issues themselves. Deforestation, air pollution, endangered species, wetland loss, animal rights, and rampant consumerism have all been appearing as controversial issues in Western literature for hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of years.

❇️Sitanshu Yashachandra's'Tree Once Again'

Thus poem is about satire on human beings.In this poem Sitanshu Yashachandra make powerful satire on using tree as our need.In this poem poet describe his own thought of one trunk and also said that the dinning table, chairs, writing table, books, all are made with wood of tree and we have not idea how many trunks were used in this process of making furniture. and what we should do with them? we easily changed them and replaces with new one. we can not though the processing of these and for making these all comfort human has cut down so many trees

1)Chipko Movement:

 The Chipko movement or Chipko Andolan, was a forest conservation movement in India. It began in 1973 in Uttarakhand, then a part of Uttar Pradesh (at the foothills of Himalayas) and went on to become a rallying point for many future environmental movements all over the world. It created a precedent for starting nonviolent protest in India.However, it was Sunderlal Bahuguna, a Gandhian activist, who gave the movement a proper direction and its success meant that the world immediately took notice of this non-violent movement, which was to inspire in time many similar eco-groups by helping to slow down the rapid deforestation, expose vested interests, increase social awareness and the need to save trees, increase ecological awareness, and demonstrate the viability of people power. 

    He used the slogan , "Ecology is the permanent economy." Above all, it stirred up the existing civil society in India, which began to address the issues of tribal and marginalized people. And it's true that the support for the movement came mainly from the womenfolk. 

  The Chipko Andolan or the Chipko movement is a movement that practiced methods of Satyagraha where both male and female activity cests from Uttarakhand played vital roles, including Gaura Devi, Suraksha Devi, Sudesha Devi, Bachni Devi and Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Virushka Devi and others. 

2)The Bishnoi Movement:

    Bishnoi (also known as Vishnoi) is a Hindu religious sect found in the Western Thar Desert and northern states of India. They follow a set of 29 principles/commandments given by Guru Jambeshwar (1451-1536).

    They are not a caste but a sect. As of 2019, there are an estimated 960,000 followers of Vishnoi sect residing in north and central India.[2] Shree Guru Jambeshwar founded the sect at Samrathal Dhora in 1485 and his teachings, comprising 120 shabads, are known as Shabadwani. 

     He preached for the next 51 years, travelling across India. The preaching of Guru Jambhoji inspires his followers as well as the environmental protectors.

3)Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA):


To conclude we can say that we all human being must take care about the nature.Because on the earth we not only human beings are living but there are many others like trees ,insects and many others are also living here

Here is the full video recording by Dr.Dilip Barad sir on the online session.Please watch this video for more information about this poem and Ecocritical thinking.


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